Aaron González Quevedo

Oberlin College Library
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Paola: This is Paola Gonzalez interviewing Aaron Gonzalez for our project "Bridging the distance." Thank you for agreeing to interview with us, with me. Could you please state your full name and your age?

Aaron: Aaron Gonzalez and I am 9 years old.

Paola: Okay so today is currently April 13th, 2020 and we are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. So now could you tell me a little bit about your family and where you live?

Aaron: I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin, I have two sisters, two dogs and my mom and my dad.

Paola: How old are your sisters?

Aaron: One is 21 and the other is 17.

Paola: and do you get along well with them?

Aaron: Yes.

Paola: Now what school do you go to?

Aaron: I go to Edgewood Elementary.


Paola: What does your everyday at school look like?

Aaron: Well first you do like, you get to like do an activity in the morning, we do morning reading, writing then our special. Then after special we go to reading umm recess, lunch and then a read aloud and math and at the end of the day we have a thing called Tiger time.

Paola: What's Tiger Time?

Aaron: Work on math in there and so and when we're done at that that's the end of the school day.

Paola: What are your favorite subjects?

Aaron: Probably, um, lunch, and then also like reading and Tiger Time.


Paola: Tiger Time, reading and math?

Aaron: Yeah

Paola: You said specials? What are specials?

Aaron: Gym, Art, and music.

Paola: Nice! Who are some of your friends and favorite teachers?

Aaron: Mrs. Boyd, Ms. S, Mrs. McClain she is our counselor, Mrs. Boyd is our principal and Ms. S is my teacher in third grade. I have a bunch of friends at my school and then some I play with online and their names are Baha, Chaise and Ester.

some of your hobbies and yeah where's

Paola: So, what are some of your hobbies and yeah what are some of the hobbies you do right now?

Aaron: I like to play video games, I like to play soccer, and I like to go outside.


Paola: Do you like to watch anything?

Aaron: Yeah, I like to watch YouTube and Netflix.

Paola: Yeah what kind of stuff do you watch on YouTube and Netflix?

Aaron: I watch people play video games or like playing like board games because I was watching a live stream at nighttime and it took like 2 hours but it was a monopoly game so go figure.

Paola: Alright so I want you to tell me the first time you've heard about corona virus, when was that?

Aaron: Well it was before it was major, so like I forgot when the corona virus got major but like when it got major it was a big thing and nobody didn't really care about it but now everybody does and so when I first heard about it I didn't 00:04:00really care about it and nobody else did but now like it's a big thing.

Paola: Where did you hear about it?

Aaron: It was from uh, I don't know it was probably from YouTube or my Teachers.

Paola: What kind of stuff did you hear about it?

Aaron: From like younger people but I'm not sure if it's true but like 45 and above or so like they could die from the corona virus but younger people can't.

Paola: So, you don't think it's something you need to worry about or do you think you still need to worry?

Aaron: You still need to worry about it but like you have a lower chance of dying because I am younger than other people.

Paola: How would you describe the virus?


Aaron: I would describe it as a big like raid of some sort

Paola: How so?

Aaron: Because it's kind of taking over a little place and then a big place and that little place is China but that's really too little and then it keeps spreading and spreading.

Paola: How does that make you feel?

Aaron: It, it really doesn't affect me too much.

Paola: How so?

Aaron: Not just because of the sickness but just because um it's not too harmful because the flu is more dangerous than the corona virus. Like most people know 00:06:00about that so like you should still be worried but not too much.

Paola: I know you watch a lot of memes and Tik-Toks about the corona virus and are there any ones that stand out to you that you would like to talk about?

Aaron: It was the one that I sent you it was like in movies people like in action movies they walk behind stuff they destroyed and then one was a Bat and there was the Earth behind it.

Paola: So what impact has the corona virus had on you personally?

Aaron: That I can't go to school, can't go outside so much, can't play soccer.

Paola: So what impact has it had on your hobbies, I know you mentioned some of 00:07:00that but maybe expand on soccer and stuff.

Aaron: That I can't really play because I could play but not real games because I can play outside in my backyard but its not too fun like playing vs. other people instead just kicking it and dribbling it.

Paola: So how is social distancing affecting you and those around you?

Aaron: Um, not too much, it's a big deal I could see but not like people you're supposed to be worried about them but like you could have it let's say somebody 00:08:00has it and they never even knew. So, like you should still be worried about like people you're close to.

Paola: Are you having a hard time adjusting to this?

Aaron: No not really no it's just weird because um I like um I don't know how to explain it, yeah kind of you could say.

Paola: How so?

Aaron: Because I could stay like this in summer break but like in summer break I could do a bunch of things but right now it feels like winter break when you 00:09:00don't go outside too much because its really cold especially here.

Paola: So, who do you like to spend time with the most?

Aaron: My family and then my cousins

Paola: How do you spend this time together?

Aaron: My cousins and I play video games and with my family I play soccer with my dad, I watch movies with my sisters, I also like to joke with my mom.

Paola: What kind of jokes?

Aaron: One was a kid in Mexico and he was singing a song about how he doesn't 00:10:00want to shower and there was a frog dancing.

Paola: So, you say you play video games with your cousins, how do you do this?

Aaron: Well we have this app we can call each other on.

Paola: What app?

Aaron: It's called discord and then you can use it and join a bunch of generals and that's where you can like go on multiple types of calls and then after that you can do that on FaceTime or like calling somebody or you can do it on your phone, with like the same thing you could have that on with the same thing you are doing.

Paola: So, how has it been being away from your school friends also?


Aaron: it's pretty hard. But not too much

Paola: How come?

Aaron: There are some mean people and I don't want to say their names at my school and really but also like a lot missing my school friends

Paola: Do you also play video games with them?

Aaron: Yeah sometimes

Paola: What do you all talk about when you're playing?

Aaron: We talk about school but since there is nothing to talk about we just talk about other stuff and like the virus going around. The coronavirus


Paola: And what do they say about the coronavirus?

Aaron: One was like at the store and nothing was there. He says you can't play basketball anymore. So that's how we react.

Paola: What are some video games that you play?

Aaron: Umm like, Fortnite, Roblox, and like Minecraft

Paola: Are you doing online school right now?

Aaron: Yes

Paola: How does that look like?

Aaron: We have Gym one day, music one day, and art one day, you choose whenever 00:13:00to do them. But I'm not sure. I think it was just one week where it was due by Friday. And one was like night time, and it was already 12, and so I had to do it really quick for music. We had to do a Q&A and we were supposed to do it about your favorite song and whatever.

Paola: What other stuff do you do for the other subjects?

Aaron: The first thing I did it's like art, you had to do a self portrait and another one was gym. You had to do a dance and then I think it was gym today, 00:14:00and I think it was yesterday and I missed it. We had to spell our name it was like different types of exercises on each letter. Then the next day was about your favorite athlete. And like if I did my name I had to do last name and first name. that took really long because my last name has 8 letters on it but some repeat so that's a good part.

Paola: What about reading and math, what does that look like?

Aaron: I have to read for 40 minutes and then I have to do math questions. Not 00:15:00just one. Five in like one little quiz. And analytic learning. It's what the app is called.

Paola: Do you find all of this helpful?

Aaron: Yes

Paola: What do you miss the most about being physically in school?

Aaron: Because I had a reading spot in this little library in the corner of my classroom not like the school one. It was just a mini one we had with two bookshelves to read and reading. There was these three corners like on at the entry way, one where you get the computers, and then one just in like a corner corner.

Paola: What kind of stuff do you read?


Aaron: I read you could say like comics and like graphic novels

Paola: What kind?

Aaron: One was Big Nate another one was called The Nethertales that's three books like 180 pages minimum and the first one was just like the family, the second one they found another family and then turned all snowy like it was winter and they searched for dinosaur bones.

Paola: What has been the hardest thing for you, being away from school and other family members?

Aaron: I can't really go visit them like my family members. But like at school im so used to going there that's like a big part.


Paola: You really like school?

Aaron: Yeah

Paola: Do you see this event as something you will remember later in your life?

Aaron: Yeah but like not too much.

Paola: Why so?

Aaron: It's probably just going to be in the back of your head or so.

Paola: You don't think it has been that impactful?

Aaron: No yeah it is but like not like in the future its just going to be in the back of your head and you're not going to think about it too much.

Paola: How do you think this will impact everyone once this is over?

Aaron: People are still going to stay inside I think.


Paola: Why?

Aaron: Like in the beginning, but like what's in the middle or like you could say they would go out more and like after that it will just be like normal if the corona virus wasn't a thing.

Paola: How do you think its going to be going back to normality?

Aaron: New at like first but then you just get your schedule from now on.

Paola: What's your schedule looking like now then?

Aaron: I wake up, do my school work, then after that I probably just play video games. After a little while probably go outside. Then come back in and do whatever I want inside.

Paola: Whatever you want? Like what?


Aaron: Just walk around my house on my iPad. Playing.

Paola: What's the first thing you would like to do once this is all over?

Aaron: If its summer I want to fix the pool and I want to go swimming in it or use the hot tub that we have. I just really want to go swimming. That's all I'm saying

Paola: What else? What about soccer?

Aaron: Yeah that's like one of the first things I want to do too. Because I have games on Friday and then like the weekend and so that's what I want to play soccer games. Like I could do that outside at my backyard. But I already said 00:20:00this, its not the same.

Paola: How have you transformed-- how have you changed as a result of the corona virus?

Aaron: Transformed?

Paola: Do you think you have changed as a result of the coronavirus?

Aaron: No

Paola: Why's that?

Aaron: I just feel the same. Because whenever I go back to school or going back from online school, but like online school is like a way different thing. And it doesn't really change too much but like the schedule is more balanced but like more unique when the corona virus wasn't a thing. So that's why I didn't really change.


Paola: So social distancing hasn't really changed you either?

Aaron: No

Paola: Why?

Aaron: Just because nobody really takes it seriously but like when the corona virus gets more serious people are going to take it more seriously.

Paola: You don't think people are taking it seriously right now?

Aaron: Yeah

Paola: Do you think you're someone who wants to see other people or are you okay by yourself right now?

Aaron: I'm okay being by myself but like I don't really like talking to other people sometimes but I also do. Like at school and stuff but if I couldn't talk 00:22:00to anybody id be ok with that.

Paola: You're more like an introvert

Aaron: Yeah you could say the same with extroverted combined

Paola: Do you have any last words about the corona virus? Like kind of a conclusion to what you've been talking to me about?

Aaron: Kind of, I want like a happy ending so everybody goes back to normal and stuff, and I don't really want it to go bad. That's kind of how I want to corona virus to end. And that's it.


Paola: Alright thank you so much for speaking with me today and sharing your stories

Aaron: Ok. Bye