Anabel Barron-Sanchez

Oberlin College Library
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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: So hi my name is Kahtia Moyotl, and I'm going to be interviewing Ms.Barron-Sanchez for our Latino Lorain Oral History Project. So thank you Ms.Barron-Sanchez for agreeing to have me interview you. Can you just state your age please?

Segment Synopsis: Kahtia Moyotl introduces Anabel Barron-Sanchez as her interviewee for the Latino Lorain Oral History project.

Keywords: Latino; Lorain; Oral History

00:00:39 - Early Childhood

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: So I'm just going to start off by asking you a little bit about how you grew up and where your life began basically.
Barron-Sanchez: Okay, well I grew up between two countries, Mexico and the United States...

Segment Synopsis: Anabel Barron-Sanchez gives a brief summary of the beginning of her life journey, growing up in two countries, Mexico and the U.S. Specifically, Anabel speaks of living in Guanajuato, Mexico, as well as San Antonio, Texas. She discusses the feelings of loneliness that this unstable childhood experience has left her with as well as the financial difficulties her parents faced which prompted such a mobile lifestyle.

Keywords: Border; Childhood; Friendship; Guanajuato; Immigration; Mexico; San Antonio; Texas

00:04:48 - Family Employment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: So what did your parents do specifically, For work?
Barron-Sanchez: Well my mom was a homestay mom, she never worked, she didn't know how to read or write...

Segment Synopsis: Here Anabel Barron-Sanchez describes her parents occupations growing up. Her mother was a stay at home mom who raised 8 children. Her father was a carpenter in Mexico but a landscaper in Texas. His labor was exploited in Texas by fellow Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and paid $20 a day for his work. Ms.Barron-Sanchez describes how watching her father be exploited by his own people has shaped her view of immigrants and feuled her motivation for activism.

Keywords: Immigration; Labor; Landscaper; Mexican; Stay at home mom; Undocumented

00:08:06 - Involvement at Sacred Heart and El Centro

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: I know that you do work to achieve that goal, to help other immigrants; what specifically do you do or have you done?
Barron-Sanchez: A little bit of everything; I cannot put a title to it, to be honest...

Segment Synopsis: Anabel Barron-Sanchez has been involved with the immigrant services at El Centro and Sacred Heart Chapel in Lorain. She recounts how she used to drive undocumented immigrants and translate English to Spanish for them. She also delves into the pressing issue of inaccessibility to health care that undocumented immigrants face.

Keywords: El Centro; Health Care; Immigrants; Lorain; Sacred Heart; Undocumented Immigrants

00:16:09 - Coming to Lorain

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: Who brought you to Lorain? Who came with you? How did you end up here?
Barron-Sanchez: Yes, I was 19 years old when I came here to Lorain...

Segment Synopsis: Ms.Baron-Sanchez describes how she first found herself in Lorain with her ex partner and two young daughters. Her sister prompted the whole family to move here by explaining how there were a lot of job opportunities in Northeast Ohio. She explains how Lorain became her home through the unique community she found here. Lastly, she also describes how the undocumented experience has shaped her experience in Lorain.

Keywords: Latina; Lorain; Motherhood; Northeast Ohio

00:20:10 - Motherhood, Employment and Machismo

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: Where did you start your professional life here? What were your first jobs?
Barron-Sanchez: Well my first job was flipping burgers...

Segment Synopsis: Anabel Barron-Sanchez goes into detail about her employment history as well as motherhood within Latino culture and how it has effected her professional life. She explains how motherhood is an unrecognized, full-time occupation specifically within Mexican culture. Lastly, she uncovers her ex partners alcoholism and abuse, leading to a transformation of her notion of family and motherhood as she took over the provider role for her family.

Keywords: Alcoholism; Depression; Employment; Latinidad; Lorain; Machista; Mexican; Motherhood; Single Mother; Undocumented

00:31:06 - Getting Detained and Mental Health

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Barron-Sanchez: I remember thinking the day that I got stopped by the police officer in Sheffield Village was the worst day of my life...

Segment Synopsis: Anabel Barron-Sanchez describes the traumatic experience of getting detained by ICE after being stopped by the police while driving to work. She discusses the mental health issues she has experienced as a result of this event.

Keywords: Depression; Detainment; ICE; Police; Religion; Spirituality

00:35:37 - Changes in 2020

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Anabel Barron-Sanchez discusses some of the achievements shes made in 2020.

Keywords: 2020; Homeowner; Undocumented; Visa

00:39:04 - Lorain Mentors

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: I just wanted to ask if there are any people you can think of that you saw as the most influential to your journey here in Lorain to get you to that light at the end of the tunnel?
Barron-Sanchez: Oh so many people!

Segment Synopsis: Ms.Barron-Sanchez lists the mentors shes met here in Lorain that have guided her professionally, as well as personally, specifically in her fight against ICE and deportation. She mentions Jose Mendiola, Deb Klein, Celestino Rivera and more.

Keywords: El Centro; ICE; Immigration; Lorain; Northeast Ohio; Undocumented

00:46:35 - Undocumented Activism

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: Can you also share some of your most proudest moments in Lorain as a community activist?

Segment Synopsis: Ms.Barron-Sanchez has done a lot for the undocumented community in Lorain as an activist. Here, she describes one of the proudest achievements she made as an activist, when she and some fellow activists from El Centro came to an ICE raid to help the children left behind when their parents were detained by ICE.

Keywords: El Centro; ICE; Immigration; Northeast Ohio; Raids; Undocumented

00:57:58 - Challenges for Lorain today

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Moyotl: So you were talking about for the undocumented community, differences in Lorain. I was just wondering if you saw any great differences in your time being here for the larger community?

Segment Synopsis: In this last segment Ms.Barron-Sanchez states the biggest challenge Lorain faces today from her perspective, violence. This violence includes domestic violence, but also youth violence. She also discusses some of the city's reactionary measures to this increase in violence.

Keywords: Domestic Violence; East Lorain; Lorain; Violence; Youth