Cindy Ortiz

Oberlin College Library


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00:00:25 - Family History and Growing up in Lorain, Ohio

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Let's start with some questions about your early life. Can you begin by telling me where you were born and where you grew up?

Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Ortiz was born in Lorain, Ohio, and lived there until she got married. Both sets of her grandparents were from Puerto Rico and moved to New York, but they moved back to Puerto Rico when they found that the mainland wasn't what they were hoping for. Both of her grandfathers then found jobs at Ford and moved to Lorain, where they sent for their families. It was then that Mrs. Ortiz's parents met. Her parents were married in Lorain, where they raised Cindy and her younger sister. Much of Cindy's life revolved around her Catholic faith and Puerto Rican identity.

Keywords: Catholicism; Puerto Rico; culture; faith; grandparents; music; parents; role models

00:06:21 - Meeting Victor and Early Marriage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, kind of turning to your family then, can you talk about how and when you met your husband?

Segment Synopsis: Cindy and her future husband, Victor, went to the same church with their families when they were growing up. They started dating in high school, when their two-year age gap wasn't as significant. Victor joined the Navy and left for boot camp the day after Cindy graduated from high school. Once the two got married, they lived in Virginia Beach while Victor was finishing submarine school. They then moved to Charleston, South Carolina, where Victor was stationed. Later, they lived in Washington for the remainder of Victor's military service.

Keywords: Charleston, South Carolina; Desert Storm; U.S. Navy; Virginia Beach

00:12:41 - Early Military Service

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So when you were in Virginia Beach, was that the first time you lived someplace different from where you grew up?

Segment Synopsis: Although she was a little homesick, Cindy enjoyed living in Virginia Beach. She loved getting to explore the places where Victor was stationed. Since they drove from place to place instead of flying, Cindy got to see parts of the country that were new to her.

Keywords: diversity; homesickness; travel

00:15:39 - Life During Deployment

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What were some of the most challenging things about being a military wife?

Segment Synopsis: While Victor was away, Cindy worked retail jobs to pass the time and make some money. While she was working, Cindy often met other military wives. She always got especially excited when she got to work with someone who was Hispanic because she found that she didn't encounter many other Puerto Ricans once she left Lorain.

Keywords: friends; military wives; time apart; work

00:17:20 - Moving on from the Military and Coming Back to Lorain

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you recall when you and your husband decided not to continue with the military service?

Segment Synopsis: When the military was downsizing and offered Victor the opportunity to leave with honorable discharge and benefits, he and Cindy decided to move on to a new chapter in their lives. They returned to Lorain to be closer to their parents and family. Once they were back in Lorain, they bought a house and began to have children. Cindy started working in the billing department at The LCADA Way, a nonprofit that helps people who struggle with substance abuse.

Keywords: children; home; honorable discharge; work

00:19:10 - Family Vacations and Puerto Rican Heritage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did your experiences in general as a military wife (and family) change you?

Segment Synopsis: Cindy's experiences while Victor was in the service made her want to show her kids that there are so many places to explore outside of Lorain. She took her kids on a family vacation each summer, and they went to Puerto Rico a couple of times. As she got older, Cindy realized how much of her family's life was based on Puerto Rican culture, and she shared those traditions with her kids.

Keywords: Puerto Rico; culture; family; motherhood

00:20:57 - Service: in the Military and Beyond

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How has your husband's military service impacted your feelings about war and the military in general?

Segment Synopsis: Cindy sees the military as a positive force in her and her family's lives. She knows that many people take the military for granted, but she recognizes that it provides Americans with many freedoms. Cindy also sees service as something not limited to the military but accessible to all. She and her family do volunteer work and group activities in their community to help others.

Keywords: Catholicism; faith; freedom; law enforcement; service; volunteer

00:24:32 - Closing Thoughts and Looking Back

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Is there anything we haven't spoken about that you would like to talk about? It can be in relation to military service or just your life in general.

Segment Synopsis: Cindy fondly looks back on the time Victor spent in the military as an amazing experience. She and Victor now encourage their kids to go on adventures and find their own way just as they did. Although neither of their older kids had been interested in military service, Cindy and Victor would have encouraged them if they had considered it.

Keywords: adventure; children; travel