Juanita Senquiz

Oberlin College Library
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00:00:00 - Introduction and membership in Latino organizations in Lorain

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Partial Transcript: Today is Thursday November 5, 2020...My name is Victor Leandry, I am the Executive Director of El Centro in Lorain, Ohio, and I am here to interview, and have the pleasure to interview, Juanita Senquiz. And I am going to have her introduce herself. This interview is part of the Latino Lorain History Project, it is a collaboration of the Lorain Historical Society, Oberlin College, El Centro and many, many other partnerships in the community. So, Juanita could you tell us your name.

Segment Synopsis: Senquiz introduces herself and begins talking about her affiliations and membership in key Latino organizations in Lorain. She is currently the President of CHIP (Coalition of Hispanic Issues and Progress) and she describes how Elba Armstrong, in her capacity working as a principal in the Lorain City Schools, recruited Senquz to join CHIP since 1988. After working for more than 30 years in Lorain City Schools, she retired and returned to work in Human Resources where she has worked for 7 more years.

Keywords: CHIP (Coalition for Hispanic Issues and Progress); El Centro de Servicios Sociales; Elba Armstrong; Lorain City Schools; Lorain Historical Society; Oberlin College

00:03:36 - Her father's journey and early life in Lorain

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Partial Transcript: First of all, let me ask you about your parents...they came from Puerto Rico, or they stayed in Puerto Rico and you were the one who came?

Segment Synopsis: Senquiz explains that her maiden name is Irizarry and how her father is from Utuado and mother is from Coamo, Puerto Rico. Her dad went to Lorain first in the late 1940s for work and met Senquiz's mother's brother who was already living and working in Lorain. After getting married in Puerto Rico, they both returned to Northeast Ohio and first lived in Bay Village before moving to Lorain. Senquiz was born in Lorain at St. Joseph hospital in Lorain which is currently being torn down and has a lot of sentimental value to people in Lorain. She also discusses growing up on the west side of Lorain and attending Irving Elementary School before moving to the east side where her father bought a home in the 1960s which was a less diverse neighborhood. She continue to live in her home on the east side of Lorain.

Keywords: Bay Vlllage, Ohio; Coamo, Puerto Rico; Compadres; East and West Side of Lorain; Irving Elementary School; Labor migration; Lorain neighborhoods; Love letters; Railroad; Residential segregation; Sacred Heart Chapel; St. Joseph Hospital, Lorain; Utuado, Puerto Rico; Vine Ave

00:10:22 - Growing up and raising her family in Lorain

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Partial Transcript: So is there anything you remember from your teenage years or any special dances or groups or special Latin clubs--did you participate in any of those things?

Segment Synopsis: Senquiz describes her upbringing as strict and how they were not allowed to participate in many things. After graduating from high school she attended dances with her girlfriends. Because she lived on the East Side with strict parents, besides church and El Club Utuado and Club Coameño, she didn't have a lot of interactions with the Hispanic community in Lorain growing up. She also discusses religious classes at Sacred Heart and the importance of the hometown associations in Lorain as part of a connection of friends and families. After graduating from high school she began working for Lorain City Schools where she typed for the Board of Education while she worked while still in high school. As someone who has worked for Lorain City Schools since they age of 16, she has a great knowledge of Lorain City Schools. Her husband, Pablo Senquiz, came to Lorain from Puerto Rico when he was 18 where he worked at Ford and they were married when she was 22 years old. They have been married for 44 years and have two children.

Keywords: Board of Education; Club Coameño; Club Utuado; Dances; Ford; Georgia; Job training at Lorain City Schools; Latinos and housing; Lorain City Schools; Mexican Mutual; Mother-daughter relations; Ohio State University; PSR classes Sacred Heart Chapel; Puerto Rican Home; Sacred Heart Chapel; Strict parents

00:21:13 - Becoming a leader in the Latino community in Lorain

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Partial Transcript: So if you can think back about your life...When did you develop this interest to be involved in the Latino community?

Segment Synopsis: Senquiz talks about how part of her involvement in the Latino community in Lorain began with her family's involvement in organization like Esperanza Inc. in Cleveland. She was inspired by how involved Willy Senquiz was involved in Cleveland and how that led to be more involved in Lorain with organizations like CHIP, the Hispanic Fund, and other Hispanic and non-Hispanic boards. They also discussed the important role of Latinas in CHIP--Elba Armstrong, Angie Martinez and Juanita Senquiz were all presidents--and other organizations in Lorain. She speaks at length of busing in Lorain and CHIP's role in advocating for Latinos and busing and the other way CHIP helps out Latinos in Lorain. She also discusses the UAW's role in the beginning of the Hispanic Leadership Conference and how with the closing of the Lorain Ford plant how CHIP took over the annual conference. She also discusses CHIP's candidates night and the important role it plays in local politics and voter education for the community, as well as the way the Hispanic Leadership Conference has developed over time.

Keywords: Angie Martinez; Busing in Lorain; CHIP; CHIP Scholarship Fund; CHIP and Hispanic Leadership Conference; CHIP candidates night; COVID-19; Cleveland, Ohio; Closing Ford Plant; Esperanza Inc, Cleveland, Ohio; Ford; Girl Scout Concil Board; Latina leadership in CHIP; Lorain County Community College; The Hispanic Fund; United Auto Workers (UAW) and HIspanic Leadership Conference; Willy Senquiz

00:32:23 - Final thoughts on leadership

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Partial Transcript: Is there anything else you would like to talk about that we haven't talked about or anything you want to tell us?

Segment Synopsis: She ends saying that she is quiet and Victor affirms her important leadership role and how she is well-respected. She also reflects on the value of respecting each other and how important that is in community.

Keywords: CHIP; Leadership; Respect